Kamis, 19 Januari 2012


Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
Kelas : X
Skill : Speaking
Topic : Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission

Standar Kompetensi
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional/ interpersonal resmi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
1. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan tidak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).

2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan tidak resmi dalam ragam lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).

1. Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).

2. Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/ transaksional: meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).

Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).

2. Siswa dapat melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/ transaksional: meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).

1. Materi Pokok

Here are expressions of asking for, giving and refusing permission.

Asking for permission Giving Permission Refusing Permission
Can I......?
- Can I leave my bag here?

Could I.....?
- Could I leave my bag here?

May I.....?
- May I leave my bag here?

Do you mind if I......?
- Do you mind if I leave my bag here?

Is it all right if I...?
- Is it all right if I leave my bag here? - Yes, no problem.

- Sure, go ahead.
- Certainly.

- Of course, please.

- By all means.

- Ok, that’s fine. - I´m afraid you can´t.

- I´d rather you didn´t.

- No, not at all.

- No, of course, not.

- I’m sorry, but.......

2. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique

3. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
• Kegiatan Awal
Tanya jawab dengan siswa mengenai ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).
Have you ever asked for permission to others?
What permission have you ever asked?
Have another person asked for permission to you?
What permission have they ever asked to you?

• Kegiatan Inti

 Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan tentang ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).
 Siswa mendengarkan percakapan interpersonal/transaksional yang berisikan ungkapan untuk meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).
 Siswa menjawab percakapan-percakapan dengan memilih klausa yang telah diberikan.
 Siswa melengkapi percakapan berdasarkan kata yang telah diberikan.
 Siswa membuat dialog singkat yang menggunakan ungkapan untuk untuk meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission) berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.
 Beberapa siswa mempraktekkan dialog tersebut secara berpasangan di depan kelas.
 Siswa lain mendengarkan.

• Kegiatan Akhir
Siswa mendapat feedback dari guru dan mereview ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta, menerima, dan menolak izin (Expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing permission).

4. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
• Buku English For SMK 1

5. Penilaian
• Teknik: Performance Assesment
• Bentuk: Responding pada pertanyaan lisan dalam percakapan

Rubrik Penilaian

Format Penilaian ‘Practice Dialogue’

Nama Siswa: ________ Kelas: _____
No. Aspek Yang Dinilai Nilai
1 2 3 4
1. Content
2. Fluency
3. Language
a. Pronunciation and intonation
b. Grammar
c. Vocabulary
4. Performance ( eye contact, facial expression, gesture)
Skor Maksimum 20

Keterangan penilaian:
1 = tidak kompeten
2 = cukup kompeten
3 = kompeten
4 = sangat kompeten
Jika seorang siswa memperoleh skor 20 dapat ditetapkan ”sangat kompeten”. Dan seterusnya sesuai dengan jumlah skor perolehan.

Mengetahui …………………,….

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

______________________ __________________

Here are expressions of asking for, giving and refusing permission.

Asking for permission Giving Permission Refusing Permission
Can I...? - Can I leave my bag here?

Could I...? - Could I leave my bag here?

May I...? - May I leave my bag here?

Do you mind if I...? - Do you mind if I leave my bag here?

Is it all right if I...? - Is it all right if I leave my bag here? - Yes, no problem.
- Sure, go ahead.
- Certainly.
- Of course, please.
- By all means
- Ok, that’s fine - I´m afraid you can´t.
- I´d rather you didn´t.
- Can I leave my bag here?
- No, not at all.
- No, of course, not.

Example :
Conversation 1
A: Yes, What can I do for you?
B: Could I have a cup of coffee please?
A: Of course. Right away. Could I get you anything else?
B: Would you bring some cream too?
A: Certainly.
B: Thanks.

Conversation 2
A: May I borrow your calculator for a minute. I forgot to bring mine to class today.
B: I’m sorry, but I’m using it for my math exercises.

Exercise 1
Complete these conversations by choosing the appropriate clauses
1. Willy : Can I speak to you after class?
Dian : Sorry,
2. Agus : ?
Arif : Sorry, but you have to do the homework yourself.
3. Man : Do you mind ?
Woman : No, go ahead.
4. Rian : I wonder if I ?
Maria : By all means.
5. Guest : Do you mind if I ask another glass of tea?
Host : yourself.

 Could I copy your homework
 But I have to join English extracurricular
 Could use your telephone
 If I sit here
 Certainly not. Help
Exercise 2
Complete these conversations with the words in the box below!

1. A: Good morning. RS Entertainment.
B: Hello. Is Mr. McIntosh there?
A: Yes, he is.
B: Can I (1)........................to him?
2. A: Hello. Success Media.
B: Hello. May I(2) .............. to Ms. White?
A: I’m afraid she’s not in the office at the moment. Can I (3)……...........a message?
B: Yes. Please (4)………………….. her Peter called
3. A: Hello. Dr. Bight’s office.
B: Can I speak to Dr. Bright?
A: May I (5)………………… who’s calling please?
B: Sirinya Napaporn.
A: Just a moment, Ms. Nappaporn. I’ll (6)…………………… you.
4. A: Hello. May I (7).................. you?
B: Hello. Is Mr. Oichi in?
A: Sorry. He’s not here right now.
B: Oh. Can I (8).................................. a message?
A:Yeah, please.
5. A: Good afternoon. Marketing Department.
B: Can I(9)………………...... an appointment with Ms. Young, please?
A: Is Monday at 2 o’clock all right?
B: Yes, that’s fine.
A: May I (10)……………........... your name and phone number, please?

Exercise 3

Work in pairs. Make dialogues use “Can I”, “Can we”, “May I”, “May we”, or “Is it all right if I....” and then you give or refuse permission by saying: “Yes, you can...” or “No, I’m afraid you can’t” based on situations below.
1. Your friend wants to sleep early.
Your friend :
You :
Your friend :
You :
2. Your friend wants to use your pen.

3. Your friend wants to smoke at school.

4. Your brother wants to borrow your motorbike.

5. Your sister wants to use your computer.

6. Your friend wants to go home now.
Key Answers

Exercise 1

1. But I have to join English extracurricular
2. Could I copy your homework
3. If I sit here
4. Could use your telephone
5. Certainly not. Help

Exercise 2

1. talk
2. speak
3. take
4. tell
5. ask
6. connect
7. help
8. leave
9. make
10. have

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