Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Reading Text

Hacking: Pro and Contra?

Do you know what a hacker is? Well, a hacker is a person  who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems on computers and they like to stretch the capability of the systems. And you know what, the activities they do in the computers are called ‘hacking’.
So, what’s the problem with ‘hacking and its hackers’? Well, the problem is whether ‘hacking and its hackers’ is legal or illegal? What I mean is that people in the world have many different views about hacking and the hackers. Some of them take sides, but many object.
To get back to what I was saying previously, let us see the positive points of a hacker, shall we? Although in most places breaking into computer systems is considered illegal, I believe that hackers don’t do anything illegal because they only want to know and try the systems. I dare to say that a hacker likes finding the strengths and the weaknesses of a computer system. They feel proud if they can find the weaknesses. So I don’t really see the crimes in this case. In addition, these hackers sometimes help the police catch the ‘white collar criminals’, such as bank robbers, money launderers, credit card forgers. For example, in 2000, the U.S. hackers caught some Singaporean hackers who made ‘Virus Love’ to break up the programs of the U.S. National Security system.
Nevertheless, those who object to the good points of a hacker say that hacking is a crime. The reason is that some hackers use their brilliant skills to break into banks and other vital institutions where they can get money, destroy information, and the worst thing is they can get secret information and sell it to another country. This is a treachery.
Take for example, in 1994, The U.S. government broke a conspiracy of computer hackers out of Majorca, Spain. These hackers were responsible for accessing and eliminating 190,000 telephone credit card numbers over computer bulletin boards in America and Europe. Seeing this fact, I don’t blame those who think negatively about hackers.
To put the whole thing in a nut shell, I personally think that hackers are not bad people with their brilliant skills. However, they could be bad because of money orientation to get the wealth. That’s just the point.

speaking skill (rpp)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran            : B. Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : X/1

Alokasi Waktu            : 1 x 45 menit
Skill                             : Speaking
Topic                           : How to express feeling happy and unhappy

Standar Kompetensi
1.      Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional / interpersonal resmi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
2.      Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
1.      Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima  menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan yang  melibatkan tindak tutur: expression happy dan unhappy.
2.      Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam ragam lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: expression happy dan unhappy.
1.      Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: expressing happy and unhappy.
2.      Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/ transaksional: expressing happy and unhappy.

1.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat:
1.    Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan percakapan yang menggunakan ungkapan expression happy dan unhappy.
2.    Melakukan percakapan dengan menggunakan ungkapan expression happy dan unhappy.
2.      Materi Pokok
There are some expression happy and unhappy :
I am happy
I am not happy with this/ I am sad
I am very happy/I am so happy
I am very sad/I am so sad
It’s splendid/ it sounds good (good idea)
I am disappointed
I am delighted with it
That’s very disappointing for me
I am glad to meet you/nice to see you
I am very annoyed

Contoh percakapan singkat memuat ungkapan tersebut :

Billy    : You look so sad John, what happen to you?
John     : I am very sad Bil, because my grandfather has passed away last night.
Billy    : I am sory to hear that john. Be patient!

  1. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique

  1. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
  • Kegiatan Awal 
§  Tanya jawab dengan siswa mengenai perasaan siswa terhadap pengalaman yang dialaminya.
§  Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut :
What do you feel today?
Happy or unhappy?
Why do you feel happy?
Why do you feel unhappy?

Have you ever gone to beautiful place? And what do you feel when you go there?
Have you ever fallen in love? What do you feel?
Have you ever broken heart? What do you feel?

·         Kegiatan Inti
§  Siswa mendengarkan percakapan interpersonal/transaksional yang berisikan ungkapan untuk menyatakan perasaan happy dan unhappy.
§  Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tentang dialog tersebut.
§  Siswa membuat dialog singkat yang menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan perasaan happy dan unhappy berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.
§  Beberapa siswa mempraktekkan dialog tersebut di depan kelas.
§  Siswa lain mendengarkan.
§  Siswa merespon suatu stiuasi dengan ungkapan yang menyatakan perasaan happy dan unhappy.
§  Siswa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai ungkapan tersebut.
  • Kegiatan Akhir
§  Siswa mendapat feedback dari guru dan mereview ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perasaan happy dan unhappy.
3.      Sumber/Bahan/Alat
·         Buku English For SMK 1
·         Gambar-gambar happy dan unhappy

4.      Penilaian
·         Teknik: Performance Assesment.
·         Bentuk: Responding pada pertanyaan lisan dan dialog.

Aspek yang dinilai:
-       Tercapai tujuan (terhibur atau mendapatkan nilai moral yang  disampaikan)
-        Penggunaan ungkapan
-        Pengucapan, intonasi, tata bahasa, kosa kata
-        sikap

Membaca Pemahaman:
-        Mengidentifikasi ungkapan happy dan unhappy yang ada dalam teks.
Membaca nyaring:
-        Pengucapan, intonasi, tata bahasa, kosa kata
-        Sikap

-        Ketepatan penggunaan ungkapan happy dan unhappy.

Cara penilaian:
-                    Tes lisan/tertulis
-                    Penilaian guru
-                    Penilaian teman

Rubrik Penilaian

Format Penilaian ‘Dialogue Expressing Happy and Unhappy
(Menggunakan Skala Penilaian)

Nama Siswa: ________                                        Kelas: _____
Aspek Yang Dinilai




a. Pronunciation and intonation

b. Grammar

c. Vocabulary

Performance ( eye contact, facial expression,  gesture)


Skor Maksimum

Keterangan penilaian:
1 = tidak kompeten
2 = cukup kompeten
3 = kompeten
4 = sangat kompeten
Jika seorang siswa memperoleh skor 20 dapat ditetapkan ”sangat kompeten”, dan seterusnya sesuai dengan jumlah skor perolehan.
                                                                                                      Bogor,                             2011


Kepala Sekolah                                                                                   Guru Mata Pelajaran

______________________                                                                __________________
NIP.                                                                                                    NIP.

Expression Happy and Unhappy

I am happy
I am not happy with this/ I am sad
I am very happy/I am so happy
I am very sad/I am so sad
It’s splendid/ it sounds good (good idea)
I am disappointed
I am delighted with it
That’s very disappointing for me
I am glad to meet you/nice to see you
I am very annoyed

Example :

Billy    : You look so sad John, what happen to you?
John     : I am very sad Bil, because my grandfather has passed away last night.
Billy    : I am sory to hear that john. Be patient!

Exercise !

Task 1
Complete the following dialogue use the expression happy/unhappy

Situation : You borrowed your friend’s new digital camera. It suddenly stop working. You have taken it back to him.

You                 : I’m terrible sorry I think I have broken it.
Your friend     : It’s okey, the main buttons come out. That’s all.
You                 : Really,.................................

Mother : Have you heard a good news from dad ?
Son      : No, what is it, mom?
Mother : Well, we are going to our hometown for the coming holidays.
Son      :....................................................
Mother : We’ll spend a whole week there.
Son      : What? A whole week?
   So, we’ll meet our relatives and old friends there.                         
Mother : Yes,,, are you happy?
Son      : Of course mom,..................................................

Task 2
Choose on of these situations, then practice it with your friend in front of class!

Happy : a. You get good score                                   Unhappy : a. You get bad score
  b. You pass examination                                                  b. You get an accident
  c. You get schoolarship/fellowship                                  c. You failed in examination


Selasa, 22 November 2011

RPP (Narrative Text)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran            :B. Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : X/1
Pertemuan ke              : 15
Alokasi Waktu            : 2 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi
1.      Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sedehana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.
2.      Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehifupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Kompetensi Dasar
1.      Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk: narrative
2.      Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk: narrative
1.      Merespon teks monolog sederhana  berbentuk narrative
2.      Melakukan teks monolog lisan berbentuk narrative

1.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
·         Siswa dapat merespon teks monolog sederhana  berbentuk narrative
·         Siswa dapat melakukan  teks monolog lisan berbentuk narrative

2.      Materi Pokok
Teks monolog berbentuk narrative contohnya:

The Legend of Minos, King of Crete

      Once upon a time there lived a very famous king. He had a monster which was half bull and half man. He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to build a labyrinth in order to house the monster. When Daedolus finished his work, he wanted to leave Crete. But the king would not let him go.
      Daedalus escaped through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself. But the son was so glad and excited that he soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the Sun, it got warmer and warmer until at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy. The sea is now called the Icarian Sea.


3.      Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique
4.      Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

    • Kegiatan Awal  (10’)
·   Tanya-jawab apakah siswa mengetahui beberapa legenda Romawi

·         Kegiatan Inti (70’)

§  Siswa mendengarkan teks monolog lisan berbentuk teks narrative sambil melengkapi teks tersebut.
§  Siswa merespon isi teks dengan menjawab pertanyaan
§  Siswa melafalkan beberapa kosakata dari teks monolog yang didengarnya
§  Siswa membaca teks monolog lisan narrative dengan cara pngucapan yang tepat.
§  Siswa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai teks monolog lisan berbentuk teks narrative yang didengarnya.
§  Siswa melengkapi percakapan berbentuk narrative dengan kata yang disediakan
§  Siswa melafalkan beberapa kosakata dari teks narrative yang dilengkapinya.

·         Kegiatan Akhir (10’)
§  Siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan yang pembelajaran yang

5.      Sumber/Bahan/Alat
·         Buku Look Ahead 1 (hal 32-34)
·         Kaset/CD
·         Tape
·         Script dari Look Ahead 1

6.      Penilaian
·         Teknik: Performance Assessment (responding)
·         Bentuk: Pertanyaan lisan

Mengetahui                                                                                         …………………,….
Kepala Sekolah                                                                                   Guru Mata Pelajaran

______________________                                                                __________________
NIP.                                                                                                    NIP.